Improving IT in your business

Make your company more competitive in the market.

What is United Computing?

United Computing is a company developed by the association of professionals from Extend – a Brazilian consulting, software distribution, and hosting company for a wide range of cloud computer vendors and websites; and the European company SemperOppus, specializes in IT platform integration.

The company is based in Europe (Lisbon, Portugal), with branches in the United States, Mexico and Brazil to provide the best technical and commercial conditions for its customers. Thus, initially we will serve all countries in Europe, the Americas, and Africa. Alternative expansions for Australia and Israel are under consideration.

Company components

United Comp will provide the full set of development platforms, IT and Software technicians to serve a variety of purposes.


Professional tech services:

Specialized in various WEB architectures available in the market (such as DevOps and DBA). BI (Tableau, Qlik Sense, PowerBI, Clicdata). CRM, WMS, CPM (Prophix, Hyperion, Cognos TM1).

Software factory:

In the main market platforms (JAVA, Jscript, .Net, CSharp, PYthon) e apps para IOS e Android.

Operation support:

In various ERP environments (SAP, SAGE, Totvs, Linx, GreatPlains), CRM, among multiple platforms and management packs.


Sales and support for Operating Cash Flow software.

Sales and support for BI software.

Sales and support for CPM software.

Sales and support for ERP software.

Sales and support for intagration software.

Sales and support for sustainability management analysis platform.

Cloud Computing

United Computing supports the entire hosting strategy for websites and platforms of different systems and technologies, including computing in Cloud architecture. Today, we have more than 100 customers of different sizes with facilities in Brazil, Germany, the United States and Singapore.

Our services are diversified, ranging from the pure and simple allocation of processing spaces (Storage, Processing memory and CPU) to a complete CPD management. The company Zen Cloud, which belongs to the United Computing group, is responsible for the development and maintenance of our clients’ remote and Cloud processing structures.

Contact us

A company that develops the Operating Cash Flow (OCP) planning software, allowing other companies to combine their financial planning with absolute control of their cash flow information. Therefore, the information is consolidated in different currencies, multi-company and financing control, under different perspectives.

A Latin American representative of Business Intelligence (BI) solutions from the French company ClicData, executes distribution and develops projects in the region using their products. It is a platform with a unique capacity and it has a partnership with Microsoft in project development with Azure technology.

It is the company responsible, in Latin America, for the distribution and support of the Canadian financial planning platform Prophix Software and Sigma Consul, one of the greatest global players in CPM (Corporate Performance Management) and Financial Consolidation.

The TOTVS ERP is complete, flexible, and easy to use. It is capable of serving companies of all segments and sizes. Now all areas of your business can be administered on the TOTVS platform, making your business more functional to operate.

A management company of hostings, websites, and corporate clouds of worldwide scope, with its data centers in Brazil, the USA, and Europe.

In addition to a HW platform, information orchestration, and monitoring services, it can process large volumes of data (Big Data) and integrate environments through its Manhattan platform for visualization, storage, and data manipulation.

Empresa gestora de hostings, sites e nuvens corporativas de abrangência mundial, com data centers no Brasil, EUA e Europa.

Além de uma plataforma de HW, orquestração de informações e serviços de monitoramento, pode processar grandes volumes de dados (Big Data) e integrar ambientes por meio de sua plataforma Manhattan para visualização, armazenamento e manipulação de dados.

O ERP TOTVS é completo, flexível e fácil de usar. É capaz de atender empresas de todos os segmentos e portes. Agora todas as áreas do seu negócio podem ser administradas na plataforma TOTVS, tornando a operação do seu negócio mais funcional.

Representante latino-americana das soluções de Business Intelligence (BI) da empresa francesa Clicdata, executa a distribuição e desenvolve projetos na região utilizando seus produtos. Plataforma de capacidade única, possui parceria com a Microsoft no desenvolvimento de projetos com a tecnologia Azurre.

Empresa de desenvolvimento do Software de planejamento de Fluxo de Caixa Operacional (FCO), permitindo que as empresas possam aliar seu planejamento financeiro ao controle absoluto das suas informações de fluxo de caixa. Assim, é feita a consolidação das informações em diversas moedas, multiempresa e controle de financiamentos, sob diferentes perspectivas.